Programme SAP UMC_UPGRADE_GRAPHICS_TO_SEM35 - SEM-CPM: Graphics Conversion

Used in the conversion of graphic settings into the form required by SEM3.5. The conversion is necessary to enable the new Chart Engine from SAPBasis to be used.

You are using the SAP Internet Graphics Server (IGS) 6.30.
You have set up an RFC destination of the type TCP/IP with thepredefined name IGS_RFC_DEST and referencing the IGS.

From the graphic settings stored in earlier releases in binary format,the report generates an XML representation as required by the currentversion of the IGS. The resulting XML file is stored as a MIME object inthe MIME repository of the ABAP Workbench.
The original binary data remains intact in the system.

You can decide whether you want to convert graphics for frames of theManagement Cockpit, for scorecards, or for value driver trees. Enter thedesired objects in each case.
By selecting the Only Unconverted Graphics indicator, you caninstruct the report to convert just those graphics that have notpreviously been converted successfully.
You can execute the report multiple times without any problems. Youshould note, however, that any subsequent changes to the previouslyconverted graphics are overwritten if you do not select the OnlyUnconverted Graphics indicator.

The report generates a log showing the result of the conversion withtraffic lights. You can display this log at a later date using theTransaction SLG1 (object='SEM-CPM',subobject='GRAPHICS')
The traffic lights used in the results are to be interpreted as follows:

  • Green: The present graphic settings were converted completely and
  • without error.
    • Yellow: Some of the present graphic settings could not be converted for
    • technical reasons. However, the conversion was performed successfullyfor the other graphics. Check the graphics and make any necessaryadjustments manually. In some cases, you can improve the result simplyby running the report again.
      • Red: Fatal errors occurred. The conversion could not be made.
      • Activities
        Check whether an RFC destination of the type TCP/IP exists with thepredefined name IGS_RFC_DEST.
        Execute Transaction SM59
        Then execute the report.

702153TA UMB_CUST: Dump OS_COMMIT_TOP_FAILED after upgrade