Programme SAP UKM_RVKRED88 - SD: Test of XI Messages for Liability Update in Credit Management

UKM_ RVKRED88 simulates report UKM_RVKRED77. However, it does not blocktables VBAK, LIKP or VBRK as does UKM_RVKRED77 asa result, differences may occur in the result if relevant documents arechanged during the run or if new documents are created.
It is very well suited to estimate the runtime of UKM_RVKRED77, and thusto determine suitable selections.

Make sure that the BAdI UKM_R3_ACTIVATE is implemented and activated andthat the flag E_ERP2005 is set.

You can also call the report for an individual document.

If you have selected the field Output Details, a detailed list ofthe data and messages created appears for the transfer to SAP CreditManagement. Then the log appears containing the statistics andpossible transfer errors.