Programme SAP TDS_CERT_FICA_IND - Print Withholding Tax Certificates for Customers

You use this program to print out withholding tax certificates forcustomers.
To access the program, on the SAP Easy Access screen, chooseAccounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Payable ->Withholding Tax -> India -> Extended Withholding Tax -> Certificates ->Certificates for Business Partners -> Print .

On the selection screen, enter the following data:

  • Organizational information, for example, your company code

  • The section code and withholding tax key that you want to create forms
  • for
    • Details of the bank challans that you want to cover

    • Information that is to appear on the certificates
    • Output
      The program:

      • Prints out the certificates, numbered consecutively

      • Displays a list of all the certificates printed, grouped by certificate,
      • challan, and section code