Programme SAP TAC_ITEMSTAT_LSO - Test Item Statistics

This report lets you create a list of item statistics for a specifiedtest. Information (descriptive test for ID and title) is displayed forthe following objects.

  • Test

  • Learning objective

  • Test item

  • The information corresponds to the details stored in the AuthoringEnvironment of the SAP Learning Solution.

    You enter the test for which you want item statistics created underTest Selection. You specify the reporting period in the Storage Datefields.

    The report's list screen contains the following information:

    • Test structure with the levels: test, section, learning objective and
    • item
      • Number of participant results evaluated

      • Mean value at the levels: test, learning objectives and item

      • Percentage mean value at the level of the item

      • Maximum achieveable score at the level of the item

      • Total score achieved by all participants at the level of the item
      • Activities
        Enter the required values and choose Execute.

700740LSO200 SP8 / LSOFE200 SP8