Programme SAP SXMS_UNPACK_MESSAGES - Time-Dependent Splitting Up of Packages

This report removes messages that have exceeded a certain retention timein a package or are not yet assigned to a package from the package andpackaging and processes them individually. You schedule this report ifyou do not want to retain messages in packages if the messages havestopped the message queue due to their size, for example, or if theirmessage processing job has been cancelled. When specifying the time,remember that the job for package processing is itself scheduled with aparticular time period, which can result in delays in message processingand in the job scheduler. If you also want to select messages that areintended for packaging but have not yet been assigned to a package,select the Messages Without Package Assignment checkbox. Thequeue status of these packages is checked, and if the status is SYSFAILor CPICERR, the corresponding messages are removed and scheduledindividually. The queue is then activated.
Create a variant for the maximum retention time in minutes and schedulethe report as a periodic background job. The job period shouldcorrespond to the maximum retention time.