Programme SAP SXMS_PF_GET_AUDIT_DATA - Exchange Infrastructure: Transfer Audit Data

This report transfers XI auditing data from the source system to thetarget system.

You require this report for an XI 3.0 system copy, which is similar to amigration.

The following prerequisites must be met:

  • The Support Package SAP_BASIS 10 or higher must have been installed in
  • the source system. Alternatively, you can implement the server part ofthe transfer function by executing SAP Note 769199 in the source system.
    • An RFC destination for the source system must be created in the target
    • system.
      • The following two jobs must be stopped temporarily in the source system
      • and the target system:
        You can restart the jobs once the auditing data has been transferredsuccessfully.

        The following steps are executed:

        • Transfer of auditing data that has already been aggregated

        • Transfer of auditing raw data

        • If the transfer is interrupted (for example, timeout or network problem)you can restart the program. The restart points are determinedautomatically and the transfer is continued.

          Enter the following:

          • RFC Destination Source System: Select the previously created RFC
          • destination (see Prerequisites) for the source system. This is arequired field.
            • Block Size: Specifies how many data records are transferred from the
            • source system in a package. Whole numbers between 0 and 100,000 arepermitted. The default value is 5,000.
              Special case value 0: If you enter 0, packaging is deactivated.This may result in a memory bottleneck during transfer.
              • Test Mode: If this flag is set, all data is transferred, but no changes
              • are made in the database.