Programme SAP SXI_USER_MIGRATION_RFC - Exchange Infrastructure: Migration of Users from Remote Systems

You use this program to transfer user master records from one or twosource systems to the local system. Unlike the transfer using the clientcopy, this does not delete or overwrite existing users in the localsystem.

The report is required for XI migration from Release 2.0 to 3.0, butcan also be used for other scenarios.

RFC destinations must exist for the source systems. The user for theRFC destination must have the following authorizations in the sourcesystem:
Object ,,'S_RFC'
Field,,,,'ACTVT' ,,,,Value '16'
Field,,,,'RFC_NAME' ,,Value 'SRTT, SZAK, SU_USER'
Field,,,,'RFC_TYPE',,,,Value 'FUGR'
The user starting the report needs the following authorizations in thelocal system:
Object ,,'S_TABU_CLI'
Field,,,,'CLIIDMAINT' ,,Value 'X'
Object ,,'S_USER_GRP'
Field,,,,'CLASS' ,,,,Value '*'
Field,,,,'ACTVT',,,,Value '01'

The following steps are executed:

  • The user master records that do not exist in the current system are
  • copied.
    • The role assignments for these users are transferred.

    • Table UserExtID (assignment of external ID to users) is transferred.

    • Company addresses that do not exist in the current system are
    • transferred.
      • Office addresses are created.

      • Special features with 2 source systems:
        First, the user master records that do not exist in the current systemare copied from the primary source system.
        Next, the user master records that do not exist in either the currentsystem or the primary source system are transferred from the secondsource system.
        The role assignments are transferred from both systems and cumulated.
        The table UserExtID (assignment of external ID to users) istransferred only from the primary source system.
        Company addresses that do not exist in the current system aretransferred from the primary source system. Next, the company addressesthat do not exist in either the current system or the primary sourcesystem are transferred from the second source system.

        Parameter 'Execute in Test Mode' - If the checkbox for this parameter isselected, no changes are made to the database, but the users and rolesare listed so that you can check which roles are missing in the targetsystem.

        List of users transferred from the respective source system with theassigned roles.
        List of the roles assigned to the users that do not exist in the localsystem, and the source system. You must check these roles in therespective source system, since the users must not be missingthe authorizations that they have in the source system when the rolesare transferred to the local system.
        List of errors and warnings that occurred during the action.