Programme SAP SUSR_ZBV_GET_RECEIVER_PROFILES - CUA: Text Comparison from Child Systems

Central User Administration: Text Comparison from Child Systems

The check tables and texts for roles, profiles and license data in theindividual child systems are temporarily stored in the central system.This means that they can be displayed more quickly.
If you have changed the texts, you must compare the texts.
If you run the program in the central system, you can choose which childsystems the system is to read the data from.
If you run the program in a child system, this system sends the currentdata to the CUA central system.

In the central system, you can also clean up the CUA assignments fordeleted roles and profiles. This can be necessary, for example, if youdelete roles or profiles in the central system or a child system byimporting a transport request. If you set the corresponding parameter onthe selection screen, the invalid CUA role and profile assignments aredeleted after the check tables are updated.
The local role and profile assignments in each system may also need tobe cleaned up. To do this, start transaction PFUD with the option"Cleanups" in every system in which roles or profiles were deleted bythe import of a transport request.
