Programme SAP SSFALRTEXP - Check and Warn About Certificates that Expire in Near Future

SSFALRTEXP is an AutoABAP report to check the validity period ofcertificates. The task of this report is to warn you in good time of theexpiration of the validity of the installed certificates. As an AutoABAP
, this report normally runs once daily around 3 a.m. on every serverinstance without any intervention. Multiple warnings for the samecertificate are suppressed, however.
The warning is delivered through system log messages and by forwardingthese to CCMS alert monitors. In especially critical situations - expirywithin the next two working days - the report also provides a warning byinforming all users. The warnings begin 30 days before expiry. Byadjusting and assigning auto-reaction methods within the monitoringarchitecture, you can also forward alerts (see the documentation fortransaction RZ21).

The report is integrated into the AutoABAP mechanism.
You can schedule the report SSF_ALERT_CERTEXPIRE as a daily backgroundjob as a replacement for SSFALRTEXP. For this to be used as areplacement, you must specify this in the selections, and set the starttime to before 3 a.m.


Not applicable

572035Warning about expired security certificates