Programme SAP SSC_LAUNCH_REPORT - Launch CRM Service Request Search UI

You can use this report to launch CRM Service Request Search UI.
The Business Partner, Partner Functions, and
Statuses search criteria are prefilled. The business partnervalue used is the business partner number of the current user. The fieldvalues for the partner functions search criteria are prefilled withthose partner functions are assigned to the Partner Function Categoryentered in the CRM system. (To make the entry, access your CRM systemand choose the Customizing path Customer Relationship Management ->Basic Functions -> Partner Processing -> Define Partner Functions).
If no Partner Function Category is specified in the selection screen, nopartner function search criteria are displayed in the CRM ServiceRequest Search UI popup.
The field values for the Statuses search criterion are taken from theDefine Default Values for Status in Service Request ReportingCustomizing step. (Access this in Customizing in your ERP system bychoosing Cross-Application Components -> Processes and Tools forEnterprise Applications -> Shared Service Framework -> Integration withService Request -> Reporting -> Define Default Values for Status inService Request Reporting)

Enter an application in the Application field.
Enter a partner function category in the Partner Function Category field. The example values can be 0001 or 0046. All the possiblevalues can be taken from the partner function category defined in yourCRM system.

In the selection screen, enter an application (required) and a partnerfunction category, then press "Enter".