Programme SAP SSC_CREATE_SERVICE_REQUEST - Launch CRM Service Request UI in create mode

You can use this report to launch the Service Request UI in create mode.Some fields in this UI can be prefilled based on the importedapplication and activity.
The reporter is always the current User. Some other values (such asStatus, Priority, Impact, Urgency, Description, or Category) can beprefilled based on the customizing data in the target valuedetermination maintained in the Determine Service Request Attributesfrom Application Context Customizing step.

Enter an application in the Application field.
Optionally, enter an activity in the Activity field
Be aware that, if no activity is specified in the selection screen,"SSC_CREATE" is treated as the activity in the shared services center.Target value determination is defined in the level of its relatedApplication Area.

The CRM service request UI is be displayed in creation mode in thebrowser, with some values defaulted.