Programme SAP SSC_CLEANUP_PERSISTENCE - Clean Up Table SSCSR and SSCSRLINK for Manual Creation

When launching the service request UI, you might directly close thebrowsers or cancel the creation. In these cases, some context info issaved in the persistence tables SSCSR and SSCSRLINK, but no servicerequests are created in the CRM system.
The resulting "dirty" entries in the persistence tables must be deleted.Use this program to carry out the deletion.

Use the report to deleted the dirty entries in the persistence tablesduring manual service request creation. You can run the report in testmode first.


  • Enter a number of days in the Canceled SRs Older than field.
  • Service requests older than the number of days you enter here areremoved from the persistence tables.
    • Select Test Run if you you want to run the report in test mode
    • first.

      After the production run, the result of the program run is logged inthe application log (object SSC).