Programme SAP SPAK_PACKAGE_ERROR_ANALYSIS - Package Error Analysis

This tool provides a detailed analysis of package errors. You canperform the package check both for a single repository object as well asfor a specified set of objects. In particular, you can use the currentATC or CheckMan result (if available) for the package error analysis. Ifyou select this option, the set of objects to be checked is limited tothe hits that supplied package errors during the ATC or CheckMan check.Depending on the set of objects to be checked, you can execute thepackage error analysis either in online mode or as a background job (formass checks).
Starting the Package Error Analysis
You start the package error analysis either directly using thetransaction SPAK_ERROR_ANALYSIS or by executing the respectiveABAP program SPAK_PACKAGE_ERROR_ANALYSIS.
To be able to use the tool for the package error analysis, you must haveat least the authorization for activity 03 (Display) for theauthorization object S_DEVELOP.
Determining the Set of Objects for the Package Check
Specify the set of repository objects for which the package erroranalysis is to be executed.
Make an entry for at least one of the following input fields:
Object Type
Be aware of the fact that no placeholders (*) are allowed in thespecification of the object type (for example, PROG, CLAS, FUGR, ...).
Object Name
Application Component
Software Component
Person Responsible
In addition, by activating the option Limit Set of Objects toCurrent ATC or CheckMan Result, you can limit the package erroranalysis to the current ATC or CheckMan result. In this case, the set ofobjects resulting from the above input fields is reduced to only thoseobjects for which package errors have been found in the current ATC orCheckMan run.
If there is no ATC or CheckMan result list available for the specifiedset of objects in the current system, an appropriate error message isdisplayed when you start the error analysis.
Specifying the Output of the Check Result
You have two options at your disposal for the output of the packagecheck result:
Standard List (one error line for each incorrectly used object)
This option defines the default setting for the output and should beused in particular for executing the package check analysis as abackground job.
This output is particularly advantageous when you are primarilyinterested in finding out which objects are used incorrectly on theprovider side. All entries for an incorrectly used object (from theprovider package) that originate from several objects of one and thesame client package are grouped together in one error line in the outputlist.
Enhanced List
This output is particularly advantageous when you are primarilyinterested in objects on the client side that show incorrect usages.Each individual object on the client side that displays incorrect usagegenerates in each case a separate error line in the output list for eachincorrectly used object.
This option generates the maximum number of error lines in the outputlist.
Let us assume that 10 different classes from one and the same packageuse a data element from another package. The data element to be used,however, has not been exposed in a package interface of the encapsulatedprovider package. The result is that the package error analysis showsusages that contain errors. While the Standard List groups allincorrect usages into one line, the Enhanced List in this casedisplays all 20 different error lines.
Executing the Package Error Analysis
You can execute the package error analysis in online mode or as abackground job.
For online mode choose F8 or the respective Executeicon. Use this mode in particular with smaller sets of objects # thatis, whenever the resulting set of objects does not contain more than 200repository objects to be checked.
Online mode enables you to navigate to the Explain tool in the packagecheck for every displayed package error. There you can analyze the errorin more detail and, if use accesses are missing, you can have the errorremoved using the automatic correction function.
If, on the other hand, you have a large set of objects to be checked, werecommend that you schedule the package error analysis as abackground job. For this purpose, make the necessaryspecifications in the selection screen and save them as a variant.
If the resulting set of objects contains more than 200 repositoryobjects to be checked in online mode, you will be asked whether thepackage check should really be performed in this mode # as this couldresult in a longer duration.