Programme SAP SPAK_COPY_USE_ACCESSES - Copy Use Accesses to Subpackages

The report SPAK_COPY_USE_ACCESSES is used for copying the use accessesof a specified source package to its direct and indirect subpackages.
You can choose between two copying modes:

  • 'Copy All Use Accesses of a Source Package' and

  • 'Copy Selected Use Accesses of a Source Package'.

  • For the option 'Copy All Use Accesses of a Source Package', you mustspecify at least one source package; for the option 'Copy Selected UseAccesses of a Source Package', at least one source package and a useaccess to be copied must be specified.
    Furthermore, you must enter a changeable transport request of the useror a changeable task of the user in a changeable transport request.
    If you wish to include also target packages of the software componentHOME, you must select the indicator 'Include HOME Packages' on theselection screen of the report, and you must also specify a validchangeable transport request or a changeable task of the user in achangeable transport request.
    • The report does not change any use accesses of structure packages or
    • main packages.
      • Starting from a given source package, the system first determines all
      • subpackages (= target packages) and then copies those use accesses ofthe source package that are allowed in the respective target package anddo not already exist. Afterwards, the subpackages are considered as thenew source packages, and their corresponding use accesses are copied tothe relevant subpackages. This process is continued for as long as nofurther subpackages exist.
        • If an error occurs during copying of the use accesses to a target
        • package, an appropriate entry is written to the error log of the report,and the package, including all its subpackages, are no longer taken intoconsideration.
          The only difference between the test mode and the productive mode isthat the use accesses to be copied are not saved.


          • The CSS notes 1359470 (Package API: Creating a Use Access) and 1363904
          • (Package / Package Interfaces API: Option 'Suppress Dialog') must existin the system so that the report can be executed.
            • You can only execute the report in internal SAP systems.

            • It is taken for granted that the use accesses for the respective
            • structure packages and main packages are already maintained by thepackage owner.
              • To start the report, you need at least the authorization to change
              • packages (authorization object S_DEVELOP with activity '02').
                • If the user does not have change authorization for at least one of the
                • specified source packages, an error message is issued by the system andthe program cannot be executed.
                  • No use accesses are copied for target packages that belong to the
                  • software component LOCAL.
                    • You must specify a changeable transport request or a changeable task of
                    • a transport request because, in the test mode of the report, checks arealso executed that require these specifications.


                      • To select possible source packages, you have a collective search help at
                      • the input field, with individeual search helps for
                        Structure packages
                        Main packages
                        Development packages
                        To restrict the results list, you have the following input fieldsavailable in each input search help:
                        Package name
                        Package owner
                        Application component
                        Software component
                        • For the input field 'Use access(es) to be copied', there is a search
                        • help available with the input fields
                          Package name (whose use accesses are searched for) and
                          Use access
                          • To select a transport request, there is a collective search help with
                          • the individual search helps
                            For changeable transport requests and
                            For changeable tasks in transport requests


                            • If you have copied use accesses, a corresponding list of the packages
                            • concerned and the copied use accesses is issued.
                              • All errors that may have occurred are listed in the error log.

                              • The names of the target packages where an error occurred during
                              • processing are listed in the results list of the report.