Programme SAP SNIF - Search active Customer Enhancements

This report searches for active customer enhancements:
Customer Exits, Business Add-Ins - BAdIs, Field Exits, CustomizingIncludes, Business Transaction Events, Append Structures, as well as Zor Y programs that use BAPIs.

You can choose which objects (see use) are to be searched for.
The search can be limited by specifying package names.
You can choose between list output and output on an ALV Grid Control.

By double-clicking the list or the ALV line, you can branch directly tothe coding / table.
By clicking the details button, this is also possible for the ALV andthe list.
Customer Exits: The report searches for all active customer exits. Inthe case of inactive exits that are implemented, however, the field"Customer Include" will remain empty.
Business Transaction Events - Exception: If you use the branchingfunction on the field Outbound Call/ OpenFi Name, the system will branchto the calling point of the BTE (only ALV Grid), and not to theimplementation - as would normally be the case.