Programme SAP SLSPAWT8 - PAW - Generate Initial Customizing Data

PAW-Customizing is a way to tell the system how it shall behave like theSystem id#s, the way to use TEM system, the way to use thresholds forrelease controls etc and this report is useful for filling the initialtable customizing values.

The selection screen consists of two modes
a)Report Mode: Consists of two check boxes for deleting and creating theinitial PAW-customizing values.
b)Report Type selection mode: Consists of the list of PAW-customizingtables.

Run the TA SL71
Select the check box #create new records from the #Report Mode# andthen mark the desired customizing table or select all the tables alltogether from the 'Report Type Selection Mode'.
Execute the report.

All the customizing tables are filled with initial values .

This report has to be executed only once i.e if the PAW -Customizingtables are initial(has no data).
The delete check box should not be selected unless it is required todelete the old PAW-.Customizing data and create new PAW-CustomizingData. Data once deleted cannot be restored.