Programme SAP SLSPAWR2 - PAW - Descriptive statistics

Report useful for displaying the Statistical evaluation of test resultsby logical tests, context, location and event.

The parameter Test Info Object(PHIO's) is an obligatory field and onehas to enter a test info object id for the display of the test resultstatistics.
Note: More than one test can be selected at a time using the multipleselection button. If any participant data or results data are not foundfor a particular testid then the data is not displayed for thatparticular id without any message.
The test can be selected along by the description, by location id and byevent id i.e test results statistics can be displayed by the test idassociated with the event or location.
The test results can also be displayed by selecting the event date rangeand also the time interval for a weekl, two weeks, one month, last 3months and one year for an event conducted.
The output can be displayed as selected under the diplay structuresection.
Under the processing options section we can select the results inpercent or in points and show individual records can be deselected fordisplay of the results statistics at event level only.

The test result statistics are displayed as the following structure
,,- test description
,,- context
,,- location
,,- event/event start and end date
,,- participant data
and the following results statistics are displayed for the abovestructure
,,- whether the participant has passed the test or not
,,- pass % or in points
,,- minimum and maximum marks
,,- range
,,- median
,,- mean
,,- Standard Deviation
,,- and the overall pass percentage
When the button ''Show periods only'' is clicked then all the resultsstatistics are displayed according to the quarter i.e in which quarterthe test was held and all the results statistics are displayed at theindividual level .
When the button '' Show Test Form'' is clicked then all the resultstatistics are displayed as according to the test form the participanthas taken.
When the button '' Show Events by Loc'' is clicked then all the resultstatistics are displayed as according to the location and which eventand the participants who haven taken the test.