Programme SAP SLSPAWR1_1 - PAW - Test Results Overview

Report useful for displaying the Test Results Overview.

The test results overview by default is shown in the structure byLocation-Event-Test and this can be changed if desired by changing theselection to ''By Test'' or ''By Test and Location" in the displaystructure section.
The test results overview can be seen according to the event dates(startand end dates) and also for the last week, last 2 weeks, one month, oneyear whenever the event was started.
The test results can also be viewed by description, by location or byevent id.

The test results overview is displayed as default structure asLocation-Event-Test and this structure can be changed as desired byclicking the buttons ''By Test Only'' or ''By Test and Location'' or''By Location-Event-Test''.
The test results overview report gives a brief summary of theparticipants overall performance after they haven taken the test .
The report gives in information whether the participant has passed orfailed, percentage the participant obtained along with the pointsobtained, whether the results have been transfered to HR or not, whetherthe participant is booked as Late Booking or booked in the HR System.All these results can also be viewed for each performance unit indivi
dually according to the test, location or event level.