Purpose You use this report either to find one or more Service ImplementationWorkbench projects in order to work on them, or to check the project status> >of one or multipleprojects to see whether the relevant service implementation is valid andup-to-date.Integration You can schedule the run of this report as a periodically recurringbackground job that sends the check result by email to interestedparties. To do so, select the checkbox Send E-mail >and enter theemail addresses of all recipients. If necessary, select the Only inCase of Errors >checkbox. Note: To create and schedule a backgroundjob, create or select a variant. For more information about job administration and scheduling backgroundjobs, see Application help for Define Background Job >(transactioncode SM36>>).Prerequisites You need authorization to run this report. For more information aboutthe content of the authorization check, see the documentation aboutauthorization object S_SIW_CFG>>.Features This report provides you with the following additional selection optionsto find one or multiple projects:
- The attributes of one or more projects>
The system selects all projects that match these criteria. Note:Selection options limit the character length of the symbols andboundaries that you can specify. If, for example, your service name istoo long, SAP recommends entering an appropriate wildcard instead.
- The ID or name of one or more objects>
The system selects all projects that have at least one generated objectmatching the entered criteria.
- The context data of one or more projects>
The system selects all projects with context variables of the specifiedvalue. To check the objects, you can select With Unit Test>>. In the output list, you have the following navigation options:
- Check>
You use this option to check the project and reset the project status.
- Generate >
You use this option to automatically regenerate a whole set of servicesfor a project or for its implementation. A dialog box, in which you canenter the detailed settings for the generation, is displayed. A mass regeneration may be necessary, if you have made template changesin the project context data that require updating all dependentimplementations.
- Execute application-specific production step>
You use this option to (re)start the application-specificpost-processing step of the generation.
- Create transport entries>
You use this option to create transport entries for the project contextdata. This does not include the transport of the generated objects.
- Reclassify the software component version>
You use this option to update the software component version of projectsof service level >>1.