Programme SAP SHP_DELIVERY_COMPLETE - Manual Completion of Open Deliveries

You can use this report to set deliveries manually to completed if theyare complete from a business perspective but still open for varioustechnical reasons. The manually completed deliveries can then bearchived.
To complete deliveries manually, you require the authorization to changeand archive deliveries in the relevant shipping points.
Note the following points when you use the report:

  • Choose the selection criteria in such a way that documents used
  • productively are not changed. The documents disappear from the shippingworklist when the status is modified manually, meaning that there can bedelivery delays if the wrong documents are modified by mistake.
    • Completing the delivery manually only changes the status of the delivery
    • and does not affect subsequent documents. The requirements update is notaffected by the delivery status change either. If the report changes thegoods issue status, you might have to correct the requirements for therelevant materials (see SAP Note 547277).
      • The enforced change to the status of the delivery when the report is run
      • can unintentionally trigger follow-up actions such as workflows. Makesure that this does not cause any damage.
        • If you run the report for deliveries in a decentralized Warehouse
        • Management System, a confirmation is not sent to the central ERP systemwhen the delivery is completed. The corresponding documents and thestock in the central system must also be adjusted manually.
          • Correction deliveries for scheduling agreements cannot be processed with
          • this report.

            The report only selects deliveries with the overall processing status"open" or "in process". Either enter theresidence time or restrictthe selection according to the creation date of the deliveries.
            If you want the change date and the name of the last person to makechanges to be updated when the delivery status is completed, set theUpdate Change Date indicator. Note that deliveries that arechanged in this way cannot be archived straight away if you determinethe residence time on the basis of the change date of the document.
            If you set the Complete Transportation Planning indicator,deliveries with an open transportation planning status are alsoselected. When the delivery is completed, the transportation planningstatus is reset to "Not Relevant". If the indicator is not set, thetransportation planning status is not affected when the delivery iscompleted.
            You use the Background Processing indicator to specify whetheryou want to process the selected deliveries in dialog mode, or if theyshould be completed automatically. Use this indicator carefully and onlyif there is a large number of deliveries to be processed. Deliverycompletion is only simulated in test mode. In production mode, thechanged deliveries are written to the database.

            The program generates a list of open deliveries in dialog mode based onthe selected criteria (indicator for background processing is not set).You can double-click on a list entry to go to the display transactionfor the delivery. You can use the "Complete Deliveries" pushbutton toset the processing status of the selected deliveries to completed. Ifyou want to restore the original status of the deliveries, you can usethe "Reset Delivery Status" button. Report RVDELSTA then determines thestatus of the deliveries again (see SAP Note 506510). You can use the"Error Log" pushbutton to display the error messages that have beengenerated. The "Materials with Requirement Errors" button displays alist of the materials for which you should check the requirementssituation in the specified plants, since the goods issue for therelevant deliveries was not posted before the correction, meaning thatthere might have been delivery requirements (see SAP Note 547277).
            If the Background Processing indicator is set, the deliveriesselected by the program are automatically set to completed (productionmode) or delivery completion is simulated (test mode). The processeddeliveries and the errors that have occurred are output in a list. Ifyou schedule the program as a job with the background processing mode,you get two spool lists: the list of deliveries and the error list.
            Note: If you create a variant for periodic background processing, youshould choose the residence time as a selection criterion. In this case,set the attribute "Save without Value" for the creation date in variantmaintenance. That way the latest creation date can always be determinedwhen the report is executed with this variant (if you do not use thisattribute, you get an error message if you want to use the variant onthe days after it was created).
            In background processing, the program also outputs the list of materialfor which there might be incorrect requirements after the status iscorrected.

            Further notes
            For more information about using this program, see SAP Note 992587.
            You can use report RVDELSTA to restore the original status of a deliverythat was completed manually (see SAP Note 506510). For inbounddeliveries, use report ZZ_INB_DELSTA from SAP Note 1226602.

992587Manually closing completed deliveries
1286659VL_COMPLETE: Error msg VL 158 for archived purchase order
1042426Completing transportation planning with trans. VL_COMPLETE
1082493VL_COMPLETE: No update in background processing
1226602VL_COMPLETE: Incorrect updating of inbound deliveries