Programme SAP SFW_IMPACT_ANALYZER - Impact Analyzer

Using the Impact Analyzer you can determine which users and roles areaffected by the activation of a business function. For each user<(>,<)>all the programs and transactions that change when a business functionis activated are displayed (for example<(>,<)> in the case of new inputfields). In addition to the users<(>,<)> the affected roles are alsodisplayed.
You have the option of answering the following questions ahead of time -that is<(>,<)> before activation of a business function:

  • Which training materials are affected?

  • To what extent do the training materials need to be adjusted?

  • Which users may possibly need delta training?

  • The program determines all the roles (roles from transaction PFCG) inwhich applications are stored that will change with the businessfunction. On the basis of these roles, the system will determine theassigned users..

    The Impact Analyzer can be started independently or through the SwitchTransaction SFW5.


    • Business Function: Here you can choose which business functions
    • are to be analyzed.
      • Activiation Date: All the business functions that were activated
      • within the specified time period are selected.
        • Release: Here you can set a limit with regard to the Release or
        • Enhancement Package involved. You can enter 603<(>,<)> for example, ifyou wish to analyze only business functions from ERP Enhancement Package3.
          • Only Planned: Only business functions planned for activation are
          • analyzed.
            • Overview: Creates an overview of all changes. You will only see
            • which roles and users are affected.
              • Detail View: All relevant information is displayed.

              • Layout: Here you can enter an output variant.
              • Output
                In the overview<(>,<)> a list of business functions together with therespective number of affected roles<(>,<)> users<(>,<)> and applicationsis listed. You get to the detail view by selecting a business functionand then choosing "Display Detail".
                In the detail view<(>,<)> all the information is displayed - that is,business function, roles<(>,<)> users<(>,<)> applications<(>,<)> and soon. Using the field selection<(>,<)> you can display additionalinformation as well. However<(>,<)> you can also suppress information -for example<(>,<)> the applications affected. The displayed list isautomatically compressed so that only the most important information isshown on the screen.
