Programme SAP SDWETTMAT - Display Competitive Products

Displaying competitive products for a product hierarchy
The input parameters are the product hierarchy and a material. Only oneof these fields must be filled. If you specify a product hierarchy, thesystem selects the sub-tree for this node and all materials for thesub-tree nodes. If you specify a material, first of all the systemdetermines in which product hierarchy this material is contained.Afterwards the system carries out the same selection as for the producthierarchy. If both fields are filled, the system carries out theselection as for the product hierarchy.

The report provides two views:

  • Display by product hierarchy

  • This view is divided into two hierarchy levels. The highest levelrepresents the product hierarchy level and the second represents theproduct hierarchy itself. All the relevant materials are listed belowthe product hierarchy (including competitors). The system displays thisview if either only the "product hierarchy" input parameter or bothparameters are filled.
    • Display by competitor

    • The system displays all materials of existing competitors as well asown materials that correspond with the selection criteria. Within thehierarchy level "competitor", the system groups materials according byproduct hierarchy leve. Only the "material" input parameter must befilled so that the system displays this view.
      You can switch between the two views by using the menu bar, apushbutton or pressing F5. In addition, you can switch to the masterdata. Depending on whether you double-click on the material or thecompetitor, you switch to the material or customer master respectively.You can also do this by using the menu bar or pressing F2. If an URLaddress has been maintained for the competitor, you can switch tohis/her homepage (menu bar, F6 or pushbutton 'Homepage').

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