Programme SAP SDVBFA01 - Create Document Flow

This program corrects errors in document flow. The system not onlyrecords document flow of sales documents, deliveries and billingdocuments for the previous document but rather for all previousdocuments. Occasionally, records are missing in the multi-level update.When, for instance, a credit memo is billed which refers to a billingdocument and this billing document in turn refers to an order for whichthere is an quotation, the document flow of the credit memo billingdocument is not recorded for the quotation.

This program uses the program routine for normal online processingwhich guarantees a uniform document flow structure. You can only setthe program using corrections in the user program for document flowstructure (LV45VFFA). Related changes will be carried out for alldocument flow records.

The system issues a list with the document numbers of document flowrecords which have been changed or added. The update indicator showswhether the record was added (I) or changed (U). The 'level' field isnormally changed. The level indicates the previous document for whichthe record is to documented, starting at '00'.