Programme SAP SDV03V10 - Prod. compl. for sales order make-to-order production and assembly

The program 'rescheduling' (SDV03V02) processes the sales documentitems, which are contained in the FS chart of accounts for material.The items found here are sorted according to delivery priority, date ofitem creation or the schedule line date of the earliest schedule linewith an order quantity, document and position number and transferred tothe availability check. The results are saved in the connection, if theprogram was not started in simulation mode. When calling up from the"sales" menu or when directly starting via the development environmentthe initiator is informed via a dialogue box that he has introduceddata-changing processes. He can then decide whether to continue withthe program or whether to end it.
All sales documents for material still open are selected. Therefore thematerial index must be activated at least for all types of salesdocuments, whose items could have requirements.
The results of the process are given in the form of a list, which issaved under the report name together with user recognition of thecreator and the date, so that the results can be controlled at a laterdate. This can be done with the function 'evaluate rescheduling' but itis only worth doing this after the first rescheduling. It allowsrestrictive selection conditions, which can improve the running time.
The option 'unconfirmed documents required', which is preconfigured,implements the rescheduling only for materials, for which at least oneunconfirmed process exists.
Via the parameter 'sorting criteria delivery data' it can beestablished whether after the item creation date or the delivery dateof the earliest schedule line sorting can be carried out with an orderquantity.
If you mark the field "simulation", then the checked documents are notsaved but a results list is created and saved. The availability checkfor the applicable documents acts however as though the documents werealready saved, i.e. the simulated list corresponds to the actual list.
The scope of the list can be increased or reduced or the whole list canbe shown under the menu option "list" on the list display. An amendmentot the time or amount acts as a criteria for data transfer in either ofthe reduced list forms, so that an item can be included in the reducedor increased list.
As navigation possibilities the connection to the change transactionsand the list of orders are planned. 'Back' ends the task, "Newselection" returns to the selection screen.

List of amended orders, a list of orders, where errors have occurredduring processing, and which as a result of this were not amended, canbe called up via the menu 'Edit - error log'.
If in a later evaluation a restricted selection is carried out, then anote appears at the end of the list, that not all document items aredisplayed.

The program should only be started in individual cases with a greatlyrestricted selection during operations as it is very demanding on thesystems resources.

In the columns 'new date' and 'confirmed new' an entry only appearswhen a change has been made.
Since the change validation (time/amount) is only carried out for eachline of the original list, it is possible that an item whose backloghas increased, despite the fact that improvements are included in thelist. This case applies for example, if the total amount can bedelivered in one go but must therefore be delivered at a later date aswhen comparing the amounts an increase in the line in the list occurs.

747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00