Programme SAP SDV03V01 - Updating backorders in Sales: Unconfirmed Documents

The program 'Backorder processing - sales' automatically carries out anavailability check for the documents it selects. If changes result,they are saved. Matchcode C (unconfirmed orders) is used to select thedocuments to be checked. You can control the scope of the selection
process using selection parameters. The sales organization and thedistribution channel are obligatory selection criteria.
You can control the scope of the selection by the parameter 'All salesdocuments'. If it is marked with a cross, the system takes inquiries,quotations etc. into account during the selection process. The defaultsetting only takes orders into account.

A list of processed documents as well as a list of errors (including theerror message and program step number from SDV03V01 indicating whereeach error occurred) are displayed.

The program is designed to be run in the background. It should only becarried out in the foreground for highly specific selection criteria.
Since backorder processing changes the datasets, a dialog boxappears if you call up online processing which enables you to cancelthe program by selecting 'No' or 'Cancel'. The window appears beforethe selection process begins.

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