Programme SAP SDV03R02 - Rescheduling of sales and stock transfer documents: Evaluation

You can use this report (SDV03R02) to analyze the last rescheduling run(SDV03V02).
You can restrict the documents to be analyzed using the selectionparameters:
Under 'General' you can enter the materials and plants, for which youwant to carry out an analysis of the last rescheduling run.
Under 'Purchasing' you can restrict selections that apply to stocktransfer documents for purchasing to:
the delivering plant in the stock transfer document
the stock transfer document number
the stock transfer document item
Under 'Sales' you can make restrictions for example, for salesdocuments.
The rescheduling run (SDV03V02) processes the orders that are includedin Matchcode C - unconfirmed orders - for sales. An availability checkof selected orders is automatically carried out and the results aresaved. Particularly in the event of a credit limit block in the orderheader (delivery block reason '01'), a credit limit control is carriedout before the availability check, which removes the block. This meansthat the order can then be confirmed again, if the block was relevantfor requirements. You select orders using the key fields in thematchcode. The sales organization and distribution channel areobligatory here.

A list of changed documents, a list of documents where errors occurredduring processing and which could then no longer be changed, can becalled up via the menu 'Edit - Error log'. If you restrict selection ina subsequent evaluation, a note appears at the end of the list to saythat not all document items are displayed.
You can set the scope of issue of the list under the menu option'List'. You can make improvements or any other changes or display theentire list. A criteria for changing into one of the restricted listforms is changing a date or quantity, so that an item can be containedboth in improvements or when things have gotten worse.
A connection to change transactions and the list of orders is providedas navigation options. 'Back' ends issue, 'New selection' returns tothe selection screen.