Programme SAP SDREPSTAT - Correction Program to Change the Repair Status

Correction program for the correct deregistration of the repair status.
The program is to change the system status of a main repair item from'partially repaired' to 'repaired'.
Due to a program error, which is corrected with SAP Note 609187, it ispossible that the repair status will incorrectly be 'partially repaired'
. Because a system status cannot be corrected manually, this correctionprogram is required in this situation.

a) Account assignment of the main repair item to an internal order
b) The status of the main repair item must be 'partially repaired'

a) Sales and distribution document number
b) Order type
a) Main item number, you must always enter the main repair item here
b) With update? If you set this check box, the repair status is changed:
,,,,. Status 'partially repaired' is made inactive
,,,,. Status 'repaired ' is activated