Programme SAP SDNETPR0 - Create net price list

This program is used for creating the 'Net price list'.

The following must exist:

  • Order type TA is defined

  • Billing type FX is defined

  • Item category DLN is defined

  • Copying control for the combination FX - TA - DLN is defined

  • The default data for fields 'Billing type', 'Order type' and 'Itemcategory' allow individual copying control. In this context, you mustbear in mind that the system will run through the copying requirementsand data tranfer routines created for this purpose and stored incopying control.
    These entries and objects are released with the standard.
    The system also requires that the pricing procedure uses subtotal 2(KZWI2) for temporary storage of the net price.

    The output contains the following per customer:

    • Material incl. description

    • Price content (sales quantity unit)

    • Price incl. currency (VBRP-KZWI2)

797604Net price list: button 'List section overview'