Programme SAP SDEURVC0 - Euro Currency Conversion Value Contracts and Releases

Currency conversion in value contract

You can use report SDEURVC0 to convert the currency of a number ofvalue contracts and their associated release orders. The currency ofthe value contract is converted to EURO, and the fields WKWAE and WKKURin the associated release orders are converted. Program SDWTKTNA mustthen be used to recompile the statistical records for the valuecontracts, as otherwise the released values in the value contract arenot correct.

To start the report, you need authorization objects V_VBAK_VKO andV_VBAK_AAT with activity 24 .


Value contract number: Here, you advised not to convert too manycontracts in one program run, to ensure that the manual controls can becarried out relatively easily. As the report user, you are responsiblefor ensuring that only value contracts are entered here.
Test : Y = Test without update ; N = Update of releases and valuecontract
Condition key target value: Default condition type for the target valueof the value contract. If you do not enter a value here, it isdetermined using the pricing procedure (VBAK-KALSM) from T683V.

You should not convert too many value contracts in one program run.
Afterwards, the statistical records for the value contract must berecompiled using program SDWTKTNA.
The converted value contracts must be checked manually.

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