Programme SAP SDCORRECT - General file for correction reports in SD

Corrections to Sales Documents

This report is an outline program for developers or consultants to usefor writing their own sales document correction reports. It cannot runby itself but must be combined with a subroutine that actually makesthe corrections.
The report should only be used by people who have expperience with SDprogram structures.

The report uses your sales document and item number selection criteriato create a list of items that remain to be processed. The system worksthrough the list by calling up SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_READ when the documentnumber changes and SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_SAVE when it has reached the lastitem in a document. It then calls up SD_SALES_ITEM_READ for each itemin the document, followed by SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_PERFORM, which calls upa form routine that contains the actual corrections.
If you create a form routine in Include MV45AFZZ, you can use all thework areas and internal documents that belong to the sales document.SD_SALES_ITEM_READ has already prepared the sales order item. Thecorrection routine can begin at this point but then takes over thefinal processing of the item.
It is also possible to call up SDCORRECT using SUBMIT from theselection program. The first step in SDCORRECT determines whichdocuments or items are incorrect.

Program: Name of the program that contains the correct routine
Subroutine: Name of the routione you want to perform
Sales document item: Item number
Process document by document: The routine should not be called up foreach item, but for each of the documents you have selected.
Display message log: If any errors occur, the system displays a log.
Sales document: Sales document number
You do not have to use the selection criteria to inform the report ofwhich items you want to process. Instead you can use the memory segment'SDCORRECT_LISTE'. To do this, you must first export the list of itemsto be processed into the memory using the EXPORT LISTE TO MEMORY ID'SDCORRECT_LISTE' program. The internal LIST table must be defined asprecisely as it is in the SDCORRECT program.

201187Correct pricing results in sales documents