Programme SAP SDCHECKT683 - Customizing check: Pricing procedures

Purposethe report issues a proposal of how the condition types shouldbe set up in Customizing, in order to ensure that there are no errorsin order and billing processing. If the customer wants something thatis not set up in the system, he can use his own requirements andformulas.

The list below shows how the condition types should be set up inCustomizing for the pricing procedure.

,,Condition type,,Manu,,Obl,,Stat,,SubTotal,,Req,,CalcForm,,,,BVCalcFormula,,AcctKey
,,EK01, EK02,,X,,,,,,B,,,,,,,,
,,EDI1, EDI2,,X,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,
,, PI01, PI02,,,,,,X,,B,,22,,,,,,
,,SKTV ,,,,,,,,X,,D,,14,,,,,,2,,