Programme SAP SDCAS_FILL_KTEXT_MC - XPRA for Converting Matchcode VMVKA

Fill the short text field in uppercase letters with the short textfield for existing activities.


You can specify the following criteria for the selection:
Client, sales activity, language for the conversion
and whether a check for document blocks should be executed.
During conversion each document is checked to determine whether adocument block exists. If this is the case, the document is notconverted and an entry is made in the log. The report must be restartedfor these documents.
The selection criteria are used to determine all the sales activitiesthat still do not have a value in the field KTEXT_MC. For these salesactivities, the value from the field KTEXT is converted into uppercaseletters using the language from the selection parameter and istransferred into the field KTEXT_MC. If no language was specified, thesystem language is used. The language key used is entered in the fieldKTEXT_MC_SPRAS.

The number of documents and the length of time required for theconversion are specified in the log.
During conversion each document is checked to determine whether adocument block exists. If this is the case, the document is notconverted and an entry is made in the log. The report must be restartedfor these documents.