Programme SAP SDBONT06 - Update billing documents

Updating billing documents

A prerequisite for updating is activating the new rebate procedure inCustomizing for rebate processing (see sales and distributionimplementation guide).

Program structure
Firstly the program determines (depending on its parameters) the amountof billing documents. A new pricing is then carried out for thesedocuments (with a pricing type which simply redetermines rebateconditions, that have not yet been totally calculated).
- If the program produces a different result with regard to the rebateconditions, the rebate conditions are updated.
- If these changes affect accruals, an additional accounting documentis created, which is adapted to accruals.
- If errors occur during pricing, the billing document cannot beupdated (see error log).
- If the net value of a billing document changes (for example, becausea rebate condition has been created retroactively, which should notexclude a non-rebate condition), this also means that the billingdocument is not updated.

What is the effect of the program parameters ?

  • Agreements

  • Processing can be restricted here to specific agreements or agreementintervals.
    • Posting date

    • The posting date can be entered for the document corrections. This dateis used, for example, for transferring to financial accounting.
      • Test

      • If this parameter is set, the billing documents can not be changed andaccounting documents can not be created.
        • Log

        • This parameter allows you to control whether a log should be issued.
          • Changed agreements

          • Here you can control whether the program should only take into accountbilling documents for agreements where changes have taken place.
            Normally this parameter should be set as if you only take into accountchanged documents, then the runtime is quicker.
            The parameter can simply be switched off, if rebate-relevant changestook place outside of agreement maintenance, for example:
            Rebate relevance
            Sales organization
            Document types
            Pricing procedure
            Add/remove from rebate condition types
            Formulas/conditions for rebate condition types
            Reference step for a rebate condition type
            Access sequences
            Add/change/remove accesses
            Exclusive indicator
            Condition type
            Condition exclusion indicator
            Condition exclusion groups for rebate conditions
            In each case, if the parameter 'changed agreements' is not set, youshould try yourself to restrict the agreements as much as possible, toavoid lengthy runtimes.
            Note also that for these changes, regardless of whether the new rebateprocedure is used, the rebate index (VBOX) must be set up again fromnew if it is required. THis was also the case in the old procedure.

            How can you see whether changes have taken place to the agreements?
            When maintaining rebate agreements or the relevant conditions, thecorresponding condition records (field KONP-KSPAE) are marked whenchanging data which might affect the documents. This happens whencreating retrospectively valid agreements or when changing thefollowing fields:

            • Validity period

            • Condition exclusion indicator

            • Deletion indicator

            • Accrued amount

            • If you successfully update all billing documents for an agreement, themarking will then be taken back, so that if there is a run later, thesebilling documents are no longer taken into consideration.
              You can see whether an agreement has been marked as changed, whencalling up the agreement and issuing data for an agreement. Themessage: VK780 The agreement sales revenues ... are not up-to dateappears.

              When should the updating program be carried out ?
              Billing documents should always be updated, if rebate-related data hasbeen changed.
              It should be noted that the program can have a considerable runningtime if there is a large volume of data. A suitable balance must befound, so that updates are carried out often enough but not too often.

              What should be noted during final settlement of a rebate agreement ?
              Agreements can only be calculated, if the condition records
              have not been marked as changed (Field KONP-KSPAE). If not, no finalsettlement can be carried out and the following message appears VK780The agreement sales revenues ... are not up-to-date.
              In this case, the billing documents for this agreement at least shouldbe updated. It is recommended that you update the billing documents asearly as possible, for example, when a retroactive agreement has beencreated. Otherwise you may not notice until the point of settlement,that the update is still to be carried out and the payment is thendelayed.
              It should also be noted that conditions for agreements that havealready calculated can no longer be updated using the program SDBONT06.As a result, before calculating an agreement, you should make sure thatthe billing document update has been carried out for all agreementsthat can have an effect on the agreement to be calculated (for example,through exclusion).

              What problems can occur when updating the billing documents ?
              It may be that a document cannot be updated. For example, the followingerrors may have occurred:
              - Pricing error
              - Billing document blocked
              - Net value of the billing document has changed
              - Error in accounting transfer
              - etc.
              In this case the error situation must first of all be rectified (e.g.correct settings) and then the update can be carried out again.

              Restrictions and risks

              • During the final settlement of rebate agreements, the first check
              • ensures that the agreement has been marked as changed. If this is thecase, no final settlement is possible. Firstly, the billing documentsmust be updated.
                • The critical factor when using the new rebate procedure is the runtime
                • of the document update. This should be taken into consideration in thedocument update. You should always be aware of the fact that changes tothe agreements can lead to the need for billing document updates(particularly before the final settlement).
                  • Depending on the situation, the table S136 can be very big. An entry is
                  • created for each billing document for each condition record determined.
                    • The system can not check if rebate related changes take place outside
                    • of agreement maintenance. In this case, you should check before thefinal settlement, whether the billing documents are to be updated (seealso remarks in parameter 'changed agreements').
                      • You may have problems, if the billing document update is not possible,
                      • for one of the above reasons.
                        As a clean up of error situations can at the moment be very difficult,this should be avoided. For example, if there are conversions in thesystem (for example, pricing procedure, account determination), thenthese can be taken into account for updating those billing documentsfound in the system.
                        If, however, you do want to clean up, there is a last option ofcancelling the billing documents and billing the preceding documentagain.
                        You must not let rebate conditions influence non-bonus conditions suchas immediate discounts (for example, by exclusion). Documents couldnever be updated in this constellation, if the net value were tochange. If these types of conditions used again, the new rebateprocedure cannot be used.
                        • Since the sales revenue related billing documents are updated and an
                        • adaption to accruals may take place when using the new rebateprocedure, it is no longer possible to create rebate correctiondocuments (B2).
                          • You should make sure that the statistics update is client-specific. To
                          • avoid confusion, the procedure must be activated for all clients used.

                            Use of the procedure for existing data
                            This is possible. You should note the following: After activating thestatistics structure S136, this should be restructured for the existingbilling documents. This is done using the standard function forrestructuring statistics data in billing documents (TA OLI9).'Redetermining the update groups' and 'Updating documents' are notrequired. The newly structured version must finally be copied intoversion '000' (TA OLIX).
                            There should be no rebate correction documents (B2) for agreements thatalready exist, that have already undergone accrual corrections.Otherwise during the next update run for the billing documents, theaccruals are recalculated and therefore corrected several times (Thearchiving run does not take into account existing rebate correctiondocuments !). If required, rebate correction documents that are alreadyavailable can be cancelled.

456458FAQ: How does the report SDBONT06 work?
1023925SDBONT06: No correction due to change in tax amount
391314Missing billing documents or conditions in rebate
790959SDBONT06 program termination due to TABLE_INVALID_INDEX
330310SDBONT06: G/L accounts are lost
555930Error V1331 when saving a billing document
5799651KE9: Incorrect period in the PCA document
567687New rebate procedure: Update termination with NF-data
395756Consulting: Diff. between drill-down/sales volume display
388573Error when reversing billing documents
377505M/AM: Modifications missing in SDBONT06