Programme SAP SDBONARCH - ARCHIVING - Find billing documents that should not be archived

If billing documents are archived before their agreements are finallysettled, they can no longer be displayed in the drill-down or be takeninto account when the system determines data subject to volume-basedrebate, for example.

The BONARCH_REP report is executed prior to an archiving run for billingdocuments. During the archiving run, the system checks the BONARCH tablethat was previously created so that these billing documents are notarchived.

Description of the most important functions:
Completely deletes and reconstructs the BONARCH table.
Test run
Only log output; no database update. The contents of table BONARCH arenot changed.
Output log
Displays a table with invoices that include agreements that have notbeen finally settled and are not allowed to be archived. Additionalinformation in field KSPAE, as well as the agreement and general factsare also output.
To shorten the runtime, the report has two different selection options.
If the new rebate procedure is active and the agreement is 'current',the system selects using the statistics tables.
In this case the system#s performance is much better than if it accessesusing the rebate index (VBOX).
If the old rebate procedure is active or the agreement is 'not current',the system selects using the rebate index (VBOX).
We therefore recommend that you update the rebate agreements(transaction VBOF) before executing this report.

The system selects the agreement based on the agreement number.
Sales organization
The system determines the invoices based on the sales organization.
Distribution channel
The system determines the invoices based on the distribution channel.
The system determines the invoices based on the division.

The user can choose from two formats.

  • ABAP List Viewer + Output Log

  • Standard List + Output Log
  • Activity
    The report causes each billing document that is not allowed to bearchived to receive an entry in table BONARCH. The system reads thistable during billing document archiving. If there is an entry in thistable for a billing document, this billing document is not archived.
    When the report is executed: By default the system only considersbilling documents for archiving whose residence time has been exceeded.If rebate agreements have a longer runtime than the billing document#sresidence time, it is possible that the billing documents are archivedbefore their rebate agreement has been finally settled. Duringsettlement at a later time, this billing document is no longeravailable. To prevent this, execute this report periodically. The periodyou choose essentially depends on the setting for the residence time ofthe billing documents.