Purpose Features Technical Check of Buffer Synchronization
The other parameters are database-specific. Initially, only tests forthe database are implemented that use sequences for the DDLOG fieldSEQ_NR (Oracle, SAPDB, Informix, MSSQL). The tests are also carried outif the parameter rdisp/bufrefmode is not set to 'sendon/exeauto', astransports into the system have to be synchronized. The last sequence number of the DDLOG sequence (dictionary query,LAST_SEQNR_DB ) is compared with the last synchronized number (from theapplication server's shared memory, LAST_SEQNR_SHM). This can have oneof the following results: The record does not exist. This is an error. The record has not yetbeen synchronized, so it must exist in the system. The record is found, the time stamp is read and compared with thecurrent time. If the difference between the current time and the timestamp is greater than FACTOR * BUFREFTIME, an error is returned. Other Information |