Programme SAP SCWN_NOTE_VERSION_DISPLAY - Note Assistant: Compare Versions

SAP Note Display and Comparison

The report displays individual SAP Notes and their comparison (lowlevel). This report is for internal use only.

The SAP Note must exist in the system.


OBJNAME: Enter an SAP Note number in this field.
OBJNAM2: Enter a second SAP Note number here, if you want to comparetwo SAP Notes.
VERSNO1: Enter the version number of the SAP Note that you enteredunder OBJNAME. If you do not enter anything, the latest version isselected automatically.
VERSNO2: Enter the version number of the SAP Note that you enteredunder OBJNAM2. If you do not enter anything, the latest version isselected automatically.

All the data is output that belongs to this SAP Note (generalattributes, validities of the SAP Note, and contents and attributes ofcorrektion instructions, for example). If you enter two SAP Notes ortwo versions of an SAP Note, both their contents and their differencesare displayed. To make the differences clearer, they are highlighted bycolors and icons.