Programme SAP SAP_PICTURE_DEMO_ICON - Demo for Sap Picture Control

The program displays how the SAP image control is used.
The source code of the program can be used as a template in other
After the program starts, a screen with two image controls appears.
The "NORMAL", "STRETCH" and "FIT" buttons are used to change thedisplay mode of the control.
Choosing "CLEAR" deletes the contents of the upper control.
A URL that references a picture can be entered in "LOCATION". Thepicture is loaded in the upper control after "ENTER" is chosen.
If a picture is doubleclicked, the text "DOUBLE CLICK EVENT" appears inthe field "LOCATION".
If the right mouse button is used to click a picture,
the text "CONTEXT MENU EVENT" appears in the field "LOCATION". In
addition, the system displays the coordinates of the mouse clicklocation.