Programme SAP SAPTEXTEDIT_DEMO_DRAGDROP - Drag and Drop Demonstration Program with Textedit and Tree Control

The report SAPSIMPLE_TREE_CONTROL_DEMO demonstrates how to use a simpletree control (Class CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE).
In a simple tree control a node consists of a file/page symbol and atext. A node in the tree is described by the dictionary structureTREEV_NODE. The user must include this structure in their ownstructure that contains a field with name 'TEXT'.

The events that occurred are displayed on the right side of the screen.In the example program the following events can occur:

node double click
The user double-clicks a node

expand no children
A node can display a + sign next to the file/page symbol, even thoughthe node has no children (Set field EXPANDER in TREEV_NODE). When theuser selects this type of node, the event EXPAND_NC is triggered. Inthe example the node 'Child1' has this attribute. The example programreacts to this event by transfering two new nodes to the control (New1and New2).