Programme SAP SAPRVVFS - Generation Program for Customer Interface - Posting Data Transfer

This program allows you to make settings for a customer-specificinterface for transfer of posting data.
The format of the posting data supplied by the operational system mustbe adapted to that of the following two standard structures thatare supplied as an interface with the Collections and Disbursementssystem:
Header structure:,,VKKKFKO
Item structure:,,VKKKFOP
These two standard structures serve to form a set of all the data thatthe Collections and Disbursements system can read and process.
If you only want to transfer some of this standard data during yourcustomer installation, you can create customer-specificstructures that fully cover your requirements, once your customersystem has been installed.
The following Procedure then applies:
In the selection screen of the program, choose which structure (headerand/or item) you want to create or process.
If the structure you have chosen already exists, you will get acorresponding message. You can modify the existing structure.
The set of fields then appears in a modal screen. When you are creatinga customer-specific header structure, you are thus offered all thefields of the standard header structure VKKKFKO, and in the case of anitem structure, all the fields from the standard item structureVKKKFOP.
Enter a name in the customer namespace.
The standard system proposes the following names:
Header structure: ZKKKFKO
Item structure: ZKKKFOP
In this screen you select all the fields that you want to include inyour structure.
If the structure already exists, those fields that are already in thestructure will be flagged on the screen.
Once you have selected the fields, the structure is created or changed.
Assign your newly created structure to one of your customer-specificdevelopment classes.
In the query box that now appears, choose whether you want to activatethe structure immediately.
