Description Automatic Cancellation of a Running Dunning Procedure If items are cleared by payment or reversal, a trigger for thedunning procedure> is written in moduleVKKN_BELEG_AUSGL_OK_0020>. Function module VKKM_TRIGGER_SET> is called, which writes atrigger in the dunning trigger table VVKKTRIMA for each contract numberas soon as an entry has been made in field OPSTA (likely for dunning). This dunning trigger table must be worked through periodically - aftereach dunning run or payment run. Transaction VYM8> is used to start report SAPRVV80> (checkdunning procedure against incoming payments), which then executesmodule VKKM_TRIGGER_PROCESS>. In this module, all contractnumbers entered in the dunning trigger table are checked to see whethera running dunning procedure needs to be cancelled because of a clearingmade.
- If no cancellation lock has been set in the activity history, the open
amounts from all items dunned in the last dunning level are addedtogether.
- If all dunned items have been cleared or if the remaining amount does
not match the minimum dunning amount of the last dunning levelexecuted, the dunning procedure is cancelled. Charge and interest items are not included in this check. The DP end,or dunning procedure end field in contract-related dunning historyVVKKMHIST> is given the current day's date as the cancellationdate. At the same time, the status is set to '90' (canceled by payment)to document how the procedure was canceled.