Programme SAP SAPRSAMT - ABAP Program Mass Processing

Transaction SAMT allows you to perform tests on sets of associatedprograms.
To do this, you specify a subroutine which you call with an externalPERFORM for each individual program.
A program name and the associated TRDIR entry is then passed to a testsubroutine.
If the test detects any problem, it analyzes the information, error orwarning and outputs a note on the program location (external PERFORMSAMT_HINT(SAPRSAMT)).
One note can have several messages consisting of any amount of text(external PERFORM SAMT_MESSAGE(SAPRSAMT)).
For documentation about writing these subroutines, refer to the programdocumentation for RSAMTFEX.
Transporting tests
This function allows you to transport a test to another system, but thesystem transports only a table entry, not the associated test program.
Transported tests are usually displayed in green.
These transports are only deleted irrevocably if the deletion was alsotransported.
Creating program sets
With this function, you create a program set belonging to a particulartest. You can describe the set on the next selection screen.
If you want to enable certain program sets with a complicated selectionto be created several times, you can define a variant of the programRSAMTSEL (in the usual way).
If you want to determine the program set according to differentcriteria, you can use your own subroutine. This must be part of themain program for the test, have the name DETERMINE_PROGRAMSET and thefollowing interface:
Executing a test
The subroutine belonging to the test is called for each program in aprogram set (in alphabetical order).
Since locks are set, several different sessions can perform testson the same program set at the same time. This means you can reduceconsiderably the total amount of time needed to process a program set.

There is also a function to execute tests in the background.
The function for performing a test on all machines initiates thescheduling of a background job that executes a test on all "suitable"machines (with RFC). Since this function increases the load on theentire system considerably, this type of background job should only berun at night.
Copying a program set
This function creates a new version of an existing program set. You canexecute the test for all the programs concerned. In this way, you candetect any change in the results.
Extracting a program set
With this function, you create a new program set from an existingprogram set.
For example, you can extract just the programs that cause errors.
Copying a program set to another test
This function copies a program set from one test to another test.
User statistics
If you want to determine the persons responsible for all the programclasses and development classes of the selected programs, you cangenerate a list of all the relevant user names.
This is accompanied by statistics giving the number of programs,informations, warnings and errors.
Code statistics
You can also generate a statistic containing all the notes codes thathave occurred.
The text for a code is any first line of a note belonging to the code.
You can branch to the relevant results display from either the userstatistic or the code statistic.
Displaying the results
There are two types of results display - standard display and privatedisplay using your own program.
You can reduce the standard display by specifying certain criteria.
If you want to perform non-standard results analyses, you can handlethe display and processing of test results yourself. To do this, youcall the program containing the test subroutine directly (with SUBMIT... VIA SELECTION-SCREEN). The test, program set and version IDs arethen passed via memory.
Since this involves a lot of programming and assumes some knowledge ofthe structure of results tables, you are advised against such resultsanalysis.
Instead, you should make a development request for this transaction inorder to get any defective function included in the standard.
By double-clicking on a message for a note in the standard display, youcan go into the ABAP/4 editor and jump to the relevant place in theprogram.
You can refresh display lists at any time. This makes changes made byother modi visible.