Programme SAP SAPREWU5 - Currency Conversion in Purchasing

You can use this program (transaction WEWU53) to convert thecurrency of master data and time-dependent conditions in Purchasing. Inparticular, the report is suitable for mass conversion of Purchasingdata with and without preselection in batch processing.
You can limit the selection of vendors via areas. For example, you canconvert the currency for all vendors in a purchasing organization. Ifyou want to convert the currency for all the vendors for the selectiondata entered, you must select the indicator "All vendors". By selectingthe relevant indicator, you can also have the time-dependent conditionsconverted.
If you only want to convert the vendor data that was previouslyselected using the Euro Workbench, you must select the "Onlypreselected vendors" indicator. However, the selection criteria arealso taken into consideration here while the indicators for theconditions are deselected. The time-dependent conditions are alreadyconverted if the notification date falls before the execution date.However, the validity date of the conditions is the predefinedconvertion date.
In addition, in this case the status of the preselected data records isset to Complete. If conversion is unsuccessful, you can obtaininformation from the log. You can activate generation of changedocuments.

446428Report for currency conversion annual business volume