Programme SAP SAPMV53M - Wave Pick Monitor

The purpose of the picking wave monitor is to monitor and control theprocessing of picking waves.
In this connection, displaying the processing status is of primaryimportance. The system does not update specific picking wave statusfields in the database, but determines the processing status using arange of status fields in the header of the deliveries associated withthe picking wave. These status fields refer to documents relevant forthe picking wave, such as WM transfer order, packing, transportationplanning, GI posting and invoice documents.
The picking wave monitor not only displays the processing status butalso allows you to initiate subsequent processing activities. Thesesubsequent activities generally use the delivery group as a selectioncriterion and copy the numbers of the selected picking waves from thepicking wave monitor list.

Displaying the processing status
The processing status is displayed using a 2-level list. The upperlevel represents the picking wave, and the lower level represents theassociated deliveries. When you access the list, the system displaysthe list in compressed format. This means that you can only see thepicking waves. You must select the expand function to have thedeliveries displayed on the list.
The status fields are read for each delivery and aggregated at pickingwave level for all associated deliveries. These status fields includethe overall WM status, the overall packing status, the transportationplanning status, the goods movement status, the billing status and theshipping unit in stock status.
The following rules apply for aggregating these statuses at pickingwave level. They are arranged in order of priority:
A status value of blank does not have any effect on the aggregatedvalue.
If all deliveries have the same status value, this value is taken asthe aggregated value.
If at least one delivery has a status value of 'B' or 'C', theaggregated value is 'B'.
If at least one delivery has a status value of 'A', the aggregatedvalue is 'A'.
The following rule applies for aggregating the shipping unit in stockstatus:
If at least one delivery has a status value of 'X', the aggregatedvalue is 'X'. Otherwise, it is blank.
On both levels, the system displays the status fields themselves andtheir specific long texts. The system also displays the status fieldsof the picking wave as icons.
In addition, the system displays other aggregated information for thepicking wave, such as the total number of deliveries, and, for each ofthe first 5 status fields, the absolute and relative number ofdeliveries that have a status of 'not processed' or 'partiallyprocessed'.
The data displayed for the picking wave includes the worker, thedocument date and the start and end times. The data displayed for thedelivery includes the ship-to party.

Configuring the list
Since the total list would become too wide due to the large number offields, you can select relevant fields for the display and suppressthose that you do not need. You can save the selected fields as adisplay variant. SAP delivers an appropriate variant in the standardsystem.

Subsequent processing
You can select one or more picking waves from the list and execute themenu options of the subsequent processing menu.

Branching to WM transfer order overviews
After selecting a picking wave, you can branch to the picking progressdisplay for WM transfer orders and the analysis of groups.

Functions for deliveries
By positioning your cursor on a delivery line, you can select thisdelivery for the display delivery function.

Selection screen
You can select the display variant of the list on the selection screenso that the list is displayed in the desired format.
You can also select the selection variant of the picking progressfunction in order to skip the selection screen when branching to thisfunction.