Programme SAP SAPMSABAPDEMOS - ABAP Documentation and Example Programs

This structure allows you both to display the ABAP documentation and todisplay, execute, or debug the associated demonstration programs.
Each light blue node represens a section of the ABAP User's Guide. Eachgreen node represents a demonstration program.

@0P@,,Display a demonstration program in the ABAP Editor.
@15@,,Execute a demonstration program (direct mode).
@12@,,Step through a demonstration program in the Debugger.
@5E@,,Display a section of the ABAP User's Guide.
@B0@,,Display ABAP Keyword Documentation.
@8F@,,Display and execute the demonstration programs in a new session.
@89@,,Display and execute the demonstration programs in the currentsession.
If you reach the maximum number of sessions, the system reverts to thecurrent session. You can also specify whether to start a new session ornot for each individual demonstration program by choosing Edit-> Change display mode. The ABAP keyword documentation is alwaysdisplayed in a new session if the maximum number of open sessions hasnot already been reached.