Programme SAP SAPMP56T_T706Z - Schema and Field Control in Tree Control

The report SAPSIMPLE_TREE_CONTROL_DEMO demonstrates the use of simpletree controls (class CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE).
In a simple tree control a node is made up of a file/leaf symbol and atext. A node of the tree is described by the dictionary structureTREEV_NODE. The user has to include this structure in an own structurethat contains a field with the name 'TEXT'.

In the box at the right side of the screen, events that have occurredare displayed. Following events can be started in the example program:

Node double click
A node was clicked on twice.

Expand no children
A node can have the characteristic to show a + at the file/leaf symbolalthough no child exists in the control. (set the field EXPANDER inTREEV_NODE). If the user clicks on such a node, the event EXPAND_NC isstarted. In the example, the "Child1" node has this characteristic. Theexample program responds to this event by producing two new nodes inthe control (New1 und New2).