Programme SAP SAPMN213 - Maintain Classification Area Assignment

With the transaction N211 (N210 = Display) you can construct or changea diagnosis hierarchy. Thus diagnoses of different groupings can alsobe assigned together.
Further, only diagnoses which possess the group indicator can beentered in the initial screen, e.g. only those to which other diagnosescan be inserted. (Possible entries using the F4 key; you will also seeall of the main diagnoses for every group and the group that theybelong to.)
You can insert diagnoses by entering them into the list on the secondscreen; corresponding text will be automatically drawn. Here, possibleentries are also called with the F4 key; by which on the listdisplayed, you can select any number of elements and transfer themusing the F9 key.
A rudimentary recursiveness check will eventually be executed to whichno diagnosis can be directly inserted. All other items, especiallyindirect recursiveness, are your own responsibility.
When deleting entries, a check is performed to see whether morediagnoses are linked to the element to be deleted; should this be thecase, you will be queried. These "Grandchildren" (and other relateditems) will also be deleted simply by clicking here.
For navigating within the hierarchy, there are more helps available toyou on the second screen under the menu item "Extras".
There are two display lists (Structure overview/Substructure overview):here you can have an overview of the present structure and selectdiagnoses for the further treatment. (Using F2).
It is also possible to move up a level in the heirarchy with the"Higher level", all the way up to the initial diagnosis.
If you have entered the display list "Structure overview" you will alsocome in at "Up to top".
With the menu item "Environment", you can branch directly totransactions for processing diagnoses, for example, if you would liketo give the group indicator to a diagnosis. With "Assignment classes",the table of the diagnosis classes can be maintained.