Programme SAP SAPMJ1S3 - IS-M/SD CH/V: Postal Packing Rule for Postal Shipping

J1SC (Edit bundling rule for postal shipping - CH)
J1SD (Display bundling rule for postal shipping - CH)
Transaction: J1SC
Editing the bundling rule consists of the following main activities:
1. Adding and deleting ZEBU assignments
2. Changing the bundle address
Transaction: J1SD
Displays an overview of the ZEBU records for the bundling rule and itslevels.
Important: When you copy a change, this may mean changes to otherrecords.

The following tables must be maintained:

  • J_1SORGZEB (Node data on a ZEBU node)

  • J_1SZUOZEB (Assignments to the ZEBU tree CH) must be empty.