Programme SAP SAPFOIO_CONVERT_TR_REQ - Convert transport requisition

Convert transport requisitions
When a planned material is stocked offshore but stock is not available,the materials requirement planning (MRP) process will triggerreplenishment by generating a stock transport requisition.
When the details of the transport requisition are confirmed, therequisition is converted into a transport order using the offshorelogistics process Convert Transport Requisition. If the material isnot stocked onshore (supply process 3) the this process will alsogenerate a purchase requisition. If the material is stocked onshore(supply process 1) and stock is available, a delivery will be createdfor the transport order using the standard delivery due list process.This does not form part of the process Convert Transport Requisition.
If a planned material is not stocked offshore but is stocked onshore(supply process 2), a transport requisition will be created. If theplanned material is entered as a component in a PM order, the transportrequisition will be created automatically for the PM order . When thedetails of the transport requisition are confirmed, the processConvert Transport Requisition is used to convert the requisition intoa transport order.
If a planned material is stocked neither offshore nor onshore (supplyprocess 4) it is not handled by the process Convert TransportRequisition. For material requests such as these a purchaserequisition will usually be raised against the offshore plant. Oncethe material is purchased, a delivery is created without reference tocontrol the transport offshore.
The transfer of fields from transport requisition to target document iscontrolled by a two configuration tables variable field transfer andfixed field transfer. Both tables are supplied with standard transfersconfigured. The variable field transfers may be modified according tothe requirements of the installation. A customer exit is provided toallow further manipulation of the variable transfers. The fixedtransfers are protected by an authorisation object since to change themwill have an impact on the correct processing of the program.
The program creates the target documents with direct update of thedatabase; no batch input session is created.
As the target documents are created, the program creates a link betweenthem and the original transport requisition in the offshore logisticsdocument flow index .
When all required target documents have been created for a transportrequisition, the processing status of the requisition is set to B (POcreated).
The program will select unconverted transport requisitions according tothe processing status of the purchase requisition.
If the transport requisitions are subject to a release strategy, thestrategy will be tested to check that creation of a purchase order isallowed. This will be taken as an indication that creation of atransport order and any other target document (purchase requisition,delivery) is allowed.
The transport requisitions are displayed in a list from which therequisitions to be processed can be selected. The list displays acheckbox for each target document that is to be generated for eachrequisition (transport order, purchase requisition, delivery) asdefined by the supply process). The user may deactivate the targetdocuments using the checkbox in which case the target document will notbe generated. However the user cannot activate a target document thatis not proposed since this would imply creating a document that has notbeen configured in the supply process.
Double clicking on a requisition in the list will cause the requisitiondocument to be displayed.
The program may be run without displaying the list, in which case allselected requisitions are processed according to the rules defined forthe supply process. This mode of processing is intended for background(batch) processing.

454885Additional selection fields for conversion program
426243Selection limit for O3O_SC01
427869OLM tr. req. conversion log not updated
402824Invalid supply details converting transfer reqn.
402669Stock transfer reqn cannot be converted after error
397885T.Req. conversion program ignores 'closed' indicator