Programme SAP SAPFK200 - Log Records for Foreign Currency Valuation

trados = docu -> fi -> fica

This report gives you an overview of foreign currency valuations thathave been carried out or reversed.
Once you have entered the selection criteria (financial statement keydate, company code, currency type, valuation variant, valuation area),the corresponding log records appear.

In the output, you can:

  • Display the correction documents created for a company code in a
  • valuation run (internal selection criteria are company code andreconciliation key).
    Select the required log record and in the menu, choose Goto ->Display Correction Documents (F9).
    • Reverse (partial) valuations to run them again later with a more current
    • date.
      To do this, select one or more log records and press the Reversebutton (or F5).
      Then enter a reconciliation key for the reversal postings. Note thatwhen you carry out the reversal, some plausibility checks andauthorization checks are carried out.