Description The Cutback process selects all gross costs that are assocated with joint venture activities and shares them out between the appropriate partners of the venture. Partners may be held in suspense for various reasons, for example if there are issues over the partner's share in a venture or if the partner is withholding tax information from the operator. Partners held in suspense are recognised during cutback processing. A cutback posting to a suspended partner is given a special entry indicator and billing indicator that allows costs to be held in a special G/L control account in the suspense section of the partner customer account. The billing forms will be configured so as not topick up the suspended billing indicators. The posting is also blocked for payment. When a partner is taken out of suspense, the Partner Suspense Clearance Program can be run. This creates a batch input session of the clearing documents to reverse out the items in the suspended section of the partner's customer account and posts the items to the normal receivable section. These entries will be picked up for processing in the next run of the billing process The Partner Suspense Clearance Program should be run each period for following the execution of the cutback process. The program will clear all suspended open items for partners that have been unsuspended prior or within, the period and year specified on the selection screen. Suspended open items with a posting or baseline date later than the Company Code - A range of companies in which suspended partners are to be unsuspended. Partner - A range of partners in which suspended partners are to b unsuspended. Fiscal Year - The fiscal Year in which partners have been unsuspended prior to or within. Fiscal Period- The fiscal period in which partners have beenunsuspended prior to within. Posting Date - The posting date of all clearing documents. Generate Input - Prepare batch input of the clearing transaction Document Text- Text to be entered in the header of clearing documents. Preconditions The Partner Suspense Clearance program is intended for use with North American companies Only. |